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Brookville Center for Children's Services
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Letter From The CEO

Dear Families and Friends,

In the heart of our schools, children are energized and excited to return from a restful winter break. The Brookville Center for Children’s Services (BCCS) community is flourishing. Our programs and services remain strong, and our students continue to benefit from the expertise of highly engaged special education teachers, teachers’ assistants, clinical staff, and administrators — talented professionals  who exceed expectations for students every day. What we have built together is proof that with continued community partnerships and the involvement of families we can educate and empower students of all abilities.

Quality special education must be accessible for all who need it because it has the power to transform lives. It increases opportunities and widens paths to success. To lead our students toward this inclusive future, BCCS continues to advocate for sustainable funding for our 853/4410 schools, urging legislators to include an 11% rate reimbursement increase for Early Intervention Services and provide a 4.3% annual growth to sustain these programs. These issues remain front of mind, after years of underfunding. We are also calling for a Direct Support Wage Enhancement (DSWE) and 3.2% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) to strengthen our Children’s Residential Program (CRP) workforce.  

I invite you to do the same and visit our advocacy center to raise awareness for our excellent programs by calling on legislators to support key issues that directly impact students right here at BCCS. With one click, you can tell your representatives that you believe in meaningful outcomes for children through powerful education.

Best Regards,

Stanfort J. Perry

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Ed Center Students and Staff Celebrate Valentine’s Day With Annual Dance

This year, Children's Education Center brought back a much-loved tradition — the annual Valentine’s Day Dance. Nearly 40 students accompanied by parents and support staff came together to dress up, socialize, and have fun while making friends outside of their classrooms. 

“The children were really excited to get together and our staff assisted with socializing and communicating. It was a great opportunity for students in different classes to get to know each other,” said Assistant Director Denise Hackman.

There were even 2023 alumni found spotted in the crowd dancing and catching up with old friends and former teachers. 

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Visit Our Advocacy Center to Stay Informed on The Issues 
That Impact BCCS

Our teaching and clinical staff go above and beyond to create meaningful educational experiences that target students’ individual and specific needs. Like the children in Ms. Stephanie’s class who enjoyed a curated out-of-this-world sensory space lesson to introduce them to the wonders of our universe. These sensory activities are essential to boosting a child’s development, encouraging cognitive processing, and soothing anxieties to keep students engaged.

Learn more about our special education staff and the multi-sensory activities they organize that lead to classroom success. 

Our services include early intervention as well as 4410 and 853 special education preschool and school-aged programs. Currently Governor Hochul’s proposed budget fails to adequately address critical funding gaps that have a direct impact on our students.

Advocate for BCCS students by calling for legislators to:

Include an 11% Rate Reimbursement Increase for Early Intervention (EI) Services. According to Agencies for Children’s Therapy Services (ACTS), “rates have not changed except for one minor increase in the last 29 years (and even that increase excluded evaluations and special education teachers!).” Gov. Hochul’s proposed 5% for EI is insufficient.

Provide annual growth of 4.3% for 4410 and 853 schools, as recommended by New York State Regents to support the recruitment and retention of staff and cover inflationary costs.

In the same letter, you can also support CRP Staff by calling out for a 3.2% Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) and Direct Support Wage Enhancement.

Doing so you’re supporting dedicated staff like Marjorie Guerrier, who’s been in our program since 2017. Now as a Medical DSP, she oversees medications and appointments for all the children in her residence, a role she is proud to fulfill.

The children in our CRP are supported by thoughtful and caring Direct Support Professionals (DSP) like Marjorie who help them in every aspect of their lives. 

Send a letter to state representatives today to help ensure the best possible services for BCCS students.

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Barbara C. Wilson DEI Committee Raises Awareness, Contributes to Little Black Dress Initiative

For the first time this year, Barbara C. Wilson (BCW) Preschool staff participated in the Little Black Dress Initiative (LBDI) to bring attention to the issue of poverty and how it affects people and their access to professional opportunities. 

LBDI is an international awareness and fundraising campaign. During the week-long campaign, the restrictions poverty places on access and opportunity were highlighted. 

From January 29 to February 2, BCW Special Education Teacher Gabrielle Guarrera, Director Diane Condy and Special Education Teacher Heather Peseri (pictured from left to right), wore the same interview-appropriate attire before dry-cleaning and donating them to Brookhaven Dress for Success. The goal is to spark conversations that center around issues of unemployment, underemployment and more.

“This incentive came from our DEI team after they had done some research regarding how to raise awareness for Poverty Awareness Month which occurs in January in the US. We hope that others will join us next year,” said Director Diane Condy. 

Coming Up


Join us for a fun and festive evening and help our children “Reach for the Stars.”

It’s a dressy casual cocktail party that benefits the students at BCCS Brookville campus.

Wednesday May 15, 2024
6:30 p.m.-10:00 p.m.

The Crescent Beach Club
333 Bayville Ave.
Bayville, NY 11709

Register here

189 Wheatley Road
Brookville, NY 11545
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