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Dear Families, Friends and Staff,
As always, I hope this letter finds you safe and well. So much of our success and strength as a community comes from our shared mission. I’m so pleased to share with you that AHRC Nassau and affiliate agency, Citizens Options Unlimited, were re-accredited and again hold the Person-Centered Excellence Accreditation, With Distinction from CQL | The Council on Quality and Leadership. Such accreditation reflects our high standards of operation, but also our commitment to evolving toward the most inclusive, person-centered practices possible. Of the 11 agencies that hold this international accreditation, two are from our family of organizations.
Such distinctions are possible because of your continued partnership in advancing inclusion and person-centered outcomes. Together, we are creating a world where people of all abilities are valued and fulfilling the promise of our founding families, seventy-three years ago. As you read our summer newsletter, I hope you will share our pride in the development of our fully inclusive community center Wheatley Farms & Arts Center, community news, and thought leadership.
We are realizing our agency’s vision—and more importantly doing so as a community.
Best Regards,

Stanfort J. Perry CEO, AHRC Nassau
AHRC Nassau and Citizens Options Unlimited Receive Highest Distinction from CQL
We are proud to have received the Person-Centered Excellence Accreditation, With Distinction from CQL | The Council on Quality and Leadership. This four-year accreditation recognizes that the organization embraces person-centered solutions to improve the quality of life for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD).
When AHRC Nassau first partnered with CQL to pursue accreditation, eight years ago, it undertook a rigorous process to review and improve supports and services. The efforts of AHRC Nassau were focused on empowering the people who receive supports to pursue what really matters in their lives, and achieve personally defined outcomes.
This accreditation is a testament to our exceptional staff and culture of empowering people with developmental disabilities to be active stakeholders in every aspect of our agency.

Wheatley Farms & Arts Center Dedication, Ribbon-cutting Set for August 25
Nature, creativity and community are the heart of Wheatley Farms & Arts Center. Building on a person-centered philosophy and community-inclusive philosophy, Wheatley Farms will offer the highest-quality outdoors and arts programs for the entire community to enjoy.
On Aug. 25, the AHRC Nassau Board of Directors is dedicating the Center in honor of former Nassau County Executive, Thomas S. Gulotta. This dedication recognizes Gulotta’s 15 years of service on the board of the Nassau County AHRC Foundation and his private service commitment to advancing opportunity and inclusion of people with developmental disabilities. To learn more, visit
Staff Spotlight

AHRC Psychology Supervisors Julie Cannet and Erin Marciante partnered with the Long Island Alzheimer’s and Dementia Center (LIADC) to provide staff at the LIADC with a valuable training on assessing peoples’ needs and creating a positive environment for meaningful support. The LIADC offers day services to adults diagnosed with Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in a space dedicated to the specific needs of those supported.
AHRC Nassau provided training on understanding functions of behavior, methods for creating person-centered services specific to their program location, and approaches for working with adults who experience challenges secondary to diagnoses of Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
Staff were given the opportunity to share real-life experiences to best demonstrate suggested approaches as well as work through such situations safely and successfully.
Program Spotlight
Helping local elementary schools get a head start on the “Back-to-School” rush, men and women from the Freeport Pre-Vocational Services put together supply boxes as part of a training project with Colony Cards and Gifts in Merrick and had a great time doing it!

Home- & Community-Based Services Need Your Support Tell Congress to Pass Disability Funding Now!* People with disabilities rely on home-and community-based services (HCBS) for everyday things like employment supports, getting around the community, dressing, bathing, taking medication, and much more.
But there isn’t enough money in the HCBS program to support everyone. Too many people are stuck on waiting lists and not getting the services they need. Direct care workers are underpaid, which leads to high turnover, critical staffing shortages, and compromised care for many people with disabilities. All too often, this means unpaid family caregivers are filling in the gaps of care.
The pandemic has made the disability direct support worker crisis worse than ever. It’s long past time for a HISTORIC investment in disability funding. Act now so people with disabilities, their families, and the direct support professional workforce can get the support they need! Contact Congress now because #CareCantWait!
Send a letter to your senators and congressional representative at

When you sign up for AHRC Nassau membership, you become a member of our chapter, The Arc New York and The Arc of the United States. Sign up at
Five Important Reasons Why AHRC Nassau Needs Members*
- Members provide clout! A large membership means a louder voice is heard by local and state legislators and national policymakers.
- We need to provide the opportunity for more of our citizens with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families to have access to programs and services, a say in advocacy efforts, and awareness of AHRC Nassau’s presence.
- As more volunteers are attracted to the work of AHRC Nassau, our leadership base for the future can develop and grow.
- We need a better-informed public. Awareness is an outgrowth of membership, and awareness is the first step to creating society-wide acceptance of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We need dollars to fulfill our commitments to those we support. Although membership is a friend-raiser and not a fundraiser, membership dues will help generate funds to support unfunded or under-funded local programs and services.
*Adapted from The Arc of the United States
Volunteer Spotlight
The volunteer group, The Giving Tree Family, recently stopped by Wheatley Farms and offered a helping hand on the developing property. During a day of service, the group made several important contributions, including identifying over 50 varieties of trees on the property and removing fencing barriers so people can always enjoy the view of the farm.
We sincerely thank The Giving Tree Family for their help, this summer, as well as their many years of service supporting AHRC!
Social Media Spotlight
AHRC in the News
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189 Wheatley Road #3 Brookville, NY 11545-2699 P. 516-626-1000 | F. 516-626-1092 | Email: AHRC Nassau © 2025 All rights reserved.